CD by Mark Thornton "Meditation in a New York Minute"
Center for Contemplative Law in Society.
The Law Program of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society explores ways of helping lawyers, judges, law professors and students reconnect with their deepest values and intentions, through meditation, yoga, and other contemplative and spiritual practices. We run retreats and events which provide a framework for considering ways in which contemplative awareness can enhance and enrich our professional and personal lives, and bring them more into balance.
Click on the following link to access their site
Spiritual Geography.
Spiritual Geography is a modern, spiritual-healing system that translates the universal experiences of divorce and separation into a meaningful pilgrimage. The seven countries on the Spiritual Geography map correspond to seven aspects or phases of healing a broken heart. For more detailed information about the concept and background of Spiritual Geography, visit their site
Network of Spiritual Progressives,
You can help build our resources by reviewing a book, film, or program, or by submitting a story, poem, ritual, or other comment of interest. We'll collect the submissions and post them on this website.
List of Important Holidays through all Traditions
List of Prayers in Many Traditions
ACR Library of Resources
ACR Gateway to Conflict Resolution Information
If you would like to add an article to the Spirituality Section website, please forward your submission to Jill Sarah Moscowitz at [email protected].
Center for Contemplative Law in Society.
The Law Program of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society explores ways of helping lawyers, judges, law professors and students reconnect with their deepest values and intentions, through meditation, yoga, and other contemplative and spiritual practices. We run retreats and events which provide a framework for considering ways in which contemplative awareness can enhance and enrich our professional and personal lives, and bring them more into balance.
Click on the following link to access their site
Spiritual Geography.
Spiritual Geography is a modern, spiritual-healing system that translates the universal experiences of divorce and separation into a meaningful pilgrimage. The seven countries on the Spiritual Geography map correspond to seven aspects or phases of healing a broken heart. For more detailed information about the concept and background of Spiritual Geography, visit their site
Network of Spiritual Progressives,
You can help build our resources by reviewing a book, film, or program, or by submitting a story, poem, ritual, or other comment of interest. We'll collect the submissions and post them on this website.
List of Important Holidays through all Traditions
List of Prayers in Many Traditions
ACR Library of Resources
ACR Gateway to Conflict Resolution Information
If you would like to add an article to the Spirituality Section website, please forward your submission to Jill Sarah Moscowitz at [email protected].